Are You Ready to Be Smoke Free for Life?

Is it time to start your smoke-free lifestyle? If so, take the first step today with the help of Lee Rindner. He can help you quit smoking one of three ways: with an 1) in-person consultation, 2) over the phone consultation or 3) with a downloadable pre-recorded Self-Help Audio Program. If you live in the Denver metro area or will be visiting the area and you’re interested in a personalized approach to your smoking cessation, an in-person visit is the way to go. However, if you’d prefer to do the work on your own time or you don’t live in the area, an MP3 download can be a great help as you work toward being smoke-free. Regardless of which option you choose, Lee will help you get started living a healthier life.

Download the stop smoking MP3 to the right or schedule a consultation with Lee Today!

After 15 years, nearly 6000 packs and over $8000, it was time to quit… One session has changed my life.*

Quit Smoking Hypnosis

If you’re a smoker and you’ve tried quitting before, you know just how challenging the process can be. Smoking is a two-part addiction. Not only can you become physically addicted to the nicotine in cigarettes, but you can be psychologically addicted to cigarettes as they become a part of your daily routine. These addictions can be difficult to overcome on your own.

But with Lee Rindner’s approach, one that combines hypnotherapy with Neuro-Linguistic Programming, you may be able to successfully quit smoking forever! Lee has had an over 70% success rate in helping people to stop smoking in just one visit. His use of the latest scientific techniques mean that you won’t be substituting one unhealthy habit for another, for example snacking instead of smoking cigarettes. He hasn’t had any clients who have fallen into the substitution trap, so those who have quit smoking have done so without gaining weight.

After your initial session, Lee will suggest a Hypnotherapy session plan that’s tailored to your unique needs and habits. While Lee has a high success rate in helping people to quit smoking, please remember that all cases are different and your experiences may vary.

CALL LEE TODAY, (303) 979-5498

I would like to express my deep appreciation to you for helping me to kick the cigarette habit. I have not smoked a single cigarette since taking your ‘Stop Smoking’ program in November of 1999 and it’s wonderful to be smoke free… A nice side effect is my health has improved and I’m enjoying outdoor activities more than I have in years.*

 Why Does Lee’s Process Work?

With the guided hypnosis involved in Hypnotherapy, individuals experience deep and inward-focused concentration as well as a heightened state of awareness. This level of awareness makes it easier to access the subconscious mind. Your conscious mind is quite adept at making rationalizations, especially for unhealthy behaviors. But your subconscious mind is objective. While your conscious mind may be thinking, “I’ll put off quitting smoking until tomorrow because one more day won’t hurt,” your subconscious mind realizes that that’s a fallacy.

Guided hypnosis can help you change how you think about smoking and the part that it plays in your life. When you’re able to understand some of the other issues that come into play with regard to cigarette addiction, you’ll be better able to increase your self-control and make the changes you want.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is another useful tool on the path to being smoke-free. NLP helps to develop your self-awareness and your communication skills, which in turn help you to understand the reason behind your feelings and actions. With that understanding, it’s easier to take an objective look at your behavior patterns and then take steps to change those patterns.

The whole process works together as an effective step to combat the dual addictions of smoking. As the negative effects and consequences of smoking are highlighted more and more in your subconscious mind, this can serve to dilute the physical addiction and in some instances, make the act of smoking cigarettes an unpleasant one. By developing a deeper understanding of the initial pleasant associations that you formed with regard to smoking and the reasons that drove you to the habit in the first place, you’ll be able to break those associations. Eliminating the associations you have between smoking and parts of your daily routine will make it much easier for you to start making healthy habits and behaviors a part of your everyday life. For many clients, this combination serves as a great one-two punch to their smoking habits.

Who is a Good Candidate for Hypnotherapy to Quit Smoking?

While everyone is different and Lee will assess your needs to determine if hypnotherapy is a good fit for you – the most important part of being a good candidate is that you truly want to quit smoking. The desire to be smoke-free is an essential part of any smoking cessation plan.

The first step is to give Lee a call and schedule an appointment. Once he learns more about your present situation and your relationship to cigarettes, he’ll be able to help you find the course of action that he believes will be most beneficial for you.

If you truly are ready to quit smoking, don’t wait any longer to take that first step toward quitting. Call Lee today at (303) 979-5498 and change your life!

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